Voobix.org - An Open Collaborative Community

Terms of Use

By using in any way the Voobix project or the Voobix project websites such as Voobix.org, you agree with these terms of use. They represent a contract between you and Beetux Software SRL (and its successors, subsidiaries, parents or affiliates), a Romanian company which oversees the Voobix project, with its main place of business located in Romania, Bucharest, Sector 2, Baia de Arama Street No. 1, Building B, B1-049 Room 1, Postal Code 022204, identified by identification number 28056214 and registration code J40/14977/2011. You agree that this electronic document has the same force and effects as a written agreement to the extend allowed by applicable law; you further agree to place any disputes or claims related to this document (or to the Voobix project) under the jurisdiction of Romanian courts of law located in the city of Bucharest. You are hereby waiving claims that you might otherwise have against us based on the laws of other jurisdictions. If you cannot or will not follow the provisions of these terms of use, you agree not to use the Voobix project.

These terms may be modified without notice. When such a change occurs, you have 30 days since the time the modification was made to review the new terms and agree with them; if you don't agree with a set of changes, your only remedy is to stop using (or stop contributing to) the project. Your use or contributions to Voobix after these 30 days will constitute your agreement to the changes.

When using a browser in order to access Voobix, several information might be sent by your own browser towards our website. Among them, the following items might be received by us: IP address, browser User Agent string, Cookies and Additional Information (Javascript or other web technologies can be used in order to find your screen resolution, your country or other details about yourself or your connection). Voobix collects, partially or completely, some or all of the items specified above. The main purpose in collecting those is to create statistical data based on it, which helps us identify key areas related to the project (for example, areas that are popular or areas that might need improvement). Other purposes include those related to the website security and demographic analysis. Also, third party entities collaborate with us in order to provide analytics or other services for our visitors; these entites have their own policies regarding privacy and data collection; you implicitly agree that the current policy is not applicable to them and you agree to be bound by their terms and policies with respect to the information which these third parties collect on their own.

Beetux Software SRL makes no guarantees as to the accuracy, quality, timeliness, availability or completeness of the information, software, products or other materials available as part of or through the Voobix project, and you should not rely upon them. The project is being made available on an "as is, as available" basis, to be used at your own risk. Beetux Software SRL, its employees, parent entities, affiliates and representatives are not liable for errors or omissions, or any form of loss or damage, even when incidental, indirect or in special cases.

You warrant that you have all rights necessary to authorize the distribution and re-distribution of any material you submit for inclusion or use in the Voobix project. To enable us to take appropriate action in the event of infringements by third parties, and in consideration for the use and participation in the Voobix project, you hereby assign to Beetux Software SRL the copyright in any material (whether site descriptions, category organization, or otherwise) that you create and submit for inclusion or use in the Voobix project; Beetux Software SRL licenses back to you an irrevocable, nonexclusive, world-wide, perpetual and royalty-free right to use any such material, or to sub-license it on your own terms to other third parties. You will provide information that we reasonably request related to any claim that material you submit infringes the rights of a third party.

You represent and warrant that you have the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement with Beetux Software SRL. Failure to enforce any right under this Agreement will not waive that right. If any provision of this Agreement is invalid, the Agreement should be interpreted to reflect the intent of the parties, and the remaining provisions will remain in effect. You must file any claim or suit related to this agreement within one year after it arises.

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